"Le Tableau" (translation "The Painting") is a French animation film released in 2011 and was directed by Jean-Francois Laguionie. It's a magical tale about the inhabitants of a painting that are divided into two classes of people; the "Alldunns" are the superior ones and the "halfies" are the drawings that were unfinished by the painter. Three of the characters exit the picture in order to find the painter and request he finish the painting to create equality.
What a wonderful film! This is my first animation film on this blog and I'm proud it's this one. We all love disney and pixar, don't get me wrong I love their films, but there's something special about french animation. Like my teacher said, french animators really embrace the history of animation and it constantly shines through their work. Much is so about this film.
This is a special film. It really has a message to get out. Animation has this power to transport us somewhere we never thought we could go. It's not the same as a live action-film. When moving drawings can encapsulate our attention and keep us bound to our chairs to find out what is going to happen next; something wondrous is happening. This film does just that.
"Le Tableau" is one of the best animation films I've ever seen. The ending alone is exceptionally spectacular. The film is about realism, social hierarchies and beauty in it's purest form. Please try and see this film. Enjoy.
P.S. I actually met the director of this film and he is an extremely humble person who loves animation and creating something people can enjoy. He has a cameo in the film and is great. I can't wait to check out his other work.
Here's some of the beautiful artwork from "Le Tableau".
Here's the IMDB page:
Here's the trailer:
where can I find this movie?
ReplyDeleteThis is probably the toughest film to find on my blog thus far. But it only came out about 5 months ago and in France. So I'd say in a few months to come it should be more easily available.