"Bottle Rocket" was released in 1996 and was the first feature film from writer/director Wes Anderson (The Royal Tenenbaums, The Darjeeling Limited). Three friends commit a robbery and then go on the lam. While on the run, one falls in love, one struggles with his brothers power over him and the other is simply searching for a plan.
For a first feature, this is quite impressive. It was only the start of brillant things to come from Wes Anderson. I don't think it's his best film, however. I believe that to be "The Royal Tenenbaums", but "Bottle Rocket" may be his most honest film. It's bursting with exuberance and innocence that is displayed through the characters. It's a film about growing up and learning that not everything in life has a plan.
As is true with Anderson's other films, "Bottle Rocket" is colorful and seems to be constantly moving. Although the plot isn't too extensive, the rich characters and humorous dialogue keep it entertaining throughout. Owen Wilson, in his first feature, portrays Dignan. Dignan, the man with the plan who is a born leader. Despite sharing much screen time with his co-star and brother, Luke Wilson, I do believe Dignan is the main character here. He seems, especially towards the end, to be the most conflicted character of the film. Owen also co-wrote this with Wes Anderson.
Overall, "Bottle Rocket" is a fun film that not many have seen. It's rich in character and stays with you long after you watch it. Please go check it out. And try and figure out why it's called Bottle Rocket.
Till next time.
Here's the IMDB page:
Here's the trailer:
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