"Midnight Run" was released in 1988 and was directed by Martin Brest (Beverly Hills Cop, Scent of a Woman). This film features my all-time favorite actor, Robert Deniro, in something he wasn't accustomed to starring in yet...a comedy. The film is about bounty hunter Jack Walsh and his attempt to bring in fugitive Jonathan Mardukas to a bail bondsman for a reward of one hundred thousand dollars. But the trip turns into a cross country nightmare for Jack filled with planes, trains and gangsters (and sure, automobiles as well).
I came across this film years ago when I saw it on TV. I looked up the info and I saw that it was starring Robert Deniro. That was enough for me. I started watching and suddenly I found myself unable to look away. The film was so inviting on a number of levels. Not only is it hilarious but the story is great. It's clever and smart. Nothing seems impossible and the constant twist and turns in the film bring about a great cinematic experience. It's really a pleasant surprise.
Like all films, there is something deeper buried under the exterior. On the surface, Jack is a character who seems down on his luck and always ready to explode. But he is a deep character with rich history. When watching, keep in mind that a subconscious subplot of the film is that Jack is seeking redemption for what has happened in his past.
"Midnight Run" is a highly entertaining and fun film. The real highlight is Jack's relationship with Jonathan Mardukas (played by Charles Grodin). They constantly bounce off each other and cause rifts and turns in the story. I hope you enjoy it (it's hard not to) and please let me know what you think.
Here's the IMDB page:
Here's the trailer:
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